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V šolskem letu 2011/2012 beremo naslednje knjižice:

4. razred

Happy Rhymes 1

Rabbit’s Friends*

The Ghost House*

5. razred

San Francisco Story

Tom Cruise

Pete and the Pirates

Tinker’s Island

6. razred

The Long Road

Newspaper Chase

The Slave Boy of Pompei

Karen and the Artist*

The Leopard and the Lighthouse*

7. razred

William Tell

Run for Your Life

Speed Queens

The White Oryx*

Kim’s Choice*

8. razred

The Three Musketeers

Extreme Sports

The Wind in the Willows

The Crown*

Fly Away Home*

9. razred

Leaving Microsoft to Change the World

The Canterbury Tales

And Then There Were None

The Climb*


Knjižice, ki so označene z * imamo na šoli. Ostale si sposodite v Knjižnici Makse Samsa v Ilirski Bistrici.

Tekmovanje za EPI Reading Badge bo potekalo

v času od 12. do 16. marca 2012 za vse razrede.
